
So true!

Mindful Creativity

My daily affairs are quite ordinary;
but I’m in total harmony with them.
I don’t hold on to anything, don’t reject anything;
nowhere an obstacle or conflict.
Who cares about wealth and honor?
Even the poorest thing shines.
My miraculous power and spiritual activity:
drawing water and carrying wood.

Layman P’ang

What an incredible way of living, to be in total harmony with daily affairs. I consider this flow. Flow has meant intuition, making those right decisions that lead to a feeling of fluidity, of moving with the world and having fortuitous and almost impossible events stack on top of each other pushing me forward. That experience is temporary, or my understanding of it is not deep enough to see that it’s continuing but in a different form.

In recent years flow has also meant the state we enter when we are fully immersed in a task, in love…

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