House of Z, a movie

For those of you who don’t know who Zac Posen is, I don’t blame you. I only knew about him through watching Project Runway. I know. You might think less of me for watching that show, but I’ve always been interested in fashion (yes, I took modeling classes as a youngster but never did anything with it).

On Project Runway, Zac is one of the regular judges and is introduced as being associated with Brooks Brothers. I never really thought much about him until recently when I started following him on Instagram (@zaposen). It was random. He posts frequently and his photos are usually very beautiful, of flowers, dresses, etc. Often, they include pictures from his work, which I found intriguing. And then, in the last few days he mentioned something about a film…so I found it on Netflix and here I am, on a Saturday night at 11pm writing about it!

The film is in the spirit of a documentary. It’s about his rise and fall and resurrection as a fashion designer. He started off very young and rose to fame quickly based on the effort that he and his family made in putting a business together. It’s a predictable story. Too much success too young, etc., but what caught me off-guard was the emotion in Zac’s explanation of what happened. How his family relationships fell apart and how devastating that was for him and his family and, at the end, how they are only now rebuilding those relationships. But they are rebuilding them.

We’ve all been there. Had family relationships that have fallen apart. I, personally, don’t know how to put them back together. Yes, there are several in my life that are broken out there, and I don’t know how to begin to rebuild them. So I was impressed by Zac’s tenacity and the love and loyalty that is evident among his family. Despite their disrepair, they are trying to make it work (ha!) and that is impressive.

Also, I had no idea how hard Zac worked. It was wonderful watching him describe his creative process. I recommend this film to anyone who is interested in the fashion industry.