Re-Entry from Portuguese Camino

The return from the Camino was both anticipated and dreaded. I suspected that returning to the hustle and bustle of London would be challenging, after the time we experienced on the Camino, and comforting, in that we would be somewhere familiar.

We slept quite a bit upon our return. I’m so glad we arranged to have a spare day before I went back into work. It gave my feet yet another day to normalize.

Being back at work was interesting. I missed being with Chuck and the ease that we found together; being quiet and still, and then enjoying the journey together. The office is full of activity that is constant and there is no time to reflect. One interaction after another means that one has to be fully aware, all day, of other people, their expectations and their emotions. Work can be a very emotional place for some people.

Aside from this re-adjustment on a social level, there was the adjustment on the physical level. I found, in heading back to the gym, that I was much stronger than when I left. Especially in my upper body. I think walking with trekking poles really helped strengthen my arms and back. Pushups were much easier – although still not my favorite exercise 🙂

What I miss most about the Camino is being outside all day. After a few days into the Camino, we found it very claustrophobic to eat inside, especially during the day. I miss nature too. In London, we are very lucky to have a front row seat at some of the most beautiful city parks…so I am not complaining too much about this aspect.

Last night, we met cousins for dinner and I took a 4 mile walk to get there. It was absolutely gorgeous and reminded me of why I love living in London.

Sadly, we had one of the worst pub meals I have ever experienced and I feel truly sorry for tourists coming to London who would experience the food we endured. I say this because the particular pub we visited is right across from Hampton Court Palace (which has one of the most beautiful parks around-see below) and therefore is probably a pub that is frequentled mostly by tourists.

After dinner, we went for a quick walk around East Mosley, which has a very cute little shopping/cafe street. The sunset over the Thames was lovely:

Re-entry accomplished.

2 thoughts on “Re-Entry from Portuguese Camino

  1. Jyoti

    It would make sense that you would have culture shock upon returning to busy London. I totally relate to missing being outside in nature and feeling a bit claustrophobic inside…I had the same when I returned from India the first time.
    Well planned having a day at home after return to buffer your return to work….such a busy environment at work…must have been quite an adjustment . I hope your feet recover quickly.
    Yes, you are so lucky to have beautiful natural beauty on your doorstep and I imagine you will spend as much time outside as time allows. Thanks for those beautiful photos and for your commentary about life after the Camino, at least in the early stages.

  2. Jyoti

    I totally understand that it would be quite difficult to reacclimatise to life back in busy London after being so much in nature and living a simple life, just dealing with one day at a time. Good that you gave yourself a day at home before returning to a busy work environment. I hope your feet recover well and quickly.
    I had the same difficult adjustment when I returned from India. I also dealt with claustrophobia whenever inside for a few weeks after my return.
    You are very lucky to live in an area with such beautiful natural beauty around. I know how much you appreciate such beauty and that it provides an important balance to your busy work life, so I imagine that you get out in it as much as you can when time allows.
    What lovely photos you posted, everything so green and gorgeous!
    Too bad about the awful pub meal.
    Thank you for this post Camino commentary. Interesting to hear about your brave attempt to be back in your normal busy life after stepping out of that life for a few weeks, hearing about the things that you miss from that time, particularly sharing precious time with Chuck.

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